Bee Packages & Queen Bees

bee packages and queen bees
Since 2017, we are offering Bee Packages and Queen bees for Canadian Beekeepers or other places.

We can ship bees on a weekly schedule from mid-february to early May each year. We know and understand the logistics of shipping bees and queen bees.

Our apiaries are located in the beautiful central Zone of Chile near the main airports and transportation place.

Our bee hives are managed by natural methods and we are licensed by the SAG Department of Agriculture. Our bees are very good quality and we manage healthy hives.

We develop a new BeeTube® with 1 kilogram (2,2 pounds) in order to have a very good transportation method with healthy bees on customers farms destination.

We have 2 seasons (2017 & 2018) with very good results shipping bee packages and queen bees from CHILE to Canadá.

Last season no more than 1% was the bee died between Chile in South America and the final destination CANADA.

For sales contacts please contact:

  • Pamela Valdés Ibarra, Honey Group Chile Manager
  • Phone number: +56.9.66074594
  • Skype address: pamela.valdes
  • Twitter: @PameValdesI / @honeygroupchile
  • Instagram: @honeygroupchile